Tuesday 25 June 2013

Research And Planning - Trailers

Here are some examples of trailers for different film genres-




Coming Of Age- 


Romantic Drama-

Research And Planning - Genre Research

Coming Of Age-

The coming of age genre is a film that follows teens getting through an adolescent drama- they usually involve some form of teenage 'heartbreak' and romance, however are less hard hitting than romance films. For these films, predominantly high key lighting would be used, to show the comedic ways the teenagers life is playing out. However, there is usually some form of 'bombshell', and here low key lighting would be used. The music would be upbeat and modern for the time, as this makes it appeal to the young adult audience it is aimed at.


Comedy films lack in seriousness, and therefore the lighting would be high key. Most of the shots tend to be close up, as this shows the characters expressions, which is seemingly more comedic. The music used throughout would be very cheerful and upbeat, as well as 'funny' its self, as this is suited to the comedy genre.


 Horror films have low key lighting, to get the feeling of darkness across to the audience. This shows the audience that something negative is occurring. Horror films will often have very high key lighting which quickly cuts to low key lighting, as this shows the difference between the good and bad, and the audience can sense something 'dark' is happening. Horror films have film scores more than actual songs- these are usually 'creepy' sounding songs with no vocals, as this adds tension to what is going on on screen.

Romantic Drama-

Romantic Drama films are films which have dramatic, unexpected twists whilst following a romance. As the genre follows dramatic events, some of the lighting is likely to be low key, as this presents the negativity that the characters are going through, and this would be presented with very slow, saddening music. On contrast to this however, as the 'romance' unfolds and more positive things happen, the lighting would be high key, and the music would become joyful and happy, and this would therefore show the different scenarios and change. These kinds of film tend to have a bittersweet ending, in which high key lighting is used, but slow music is played, this shows the emotion on screen and shows the pleasantness of what is occurring, despite the occurrence being a seemingly negative thing.  

Saturday 22 June 2013

Research And Planning - What Is A Trailer

What is a film trailer? 

A trailer is a small montage of clips put together in a piece lasting usually around two minutes long. The trailer lets the audience know what goes on in the film it is advertising. The purpose of the trailer is to engage the target audience and get people to watch the film.