Sunday 29 December 2013

Research And Planning - Filming Issue

Due to extreme weather conditions we were unable to film on our set date. (28th Dec 2013) The weather has been extremely windy and heavy rains have been unpredictable. This would cause props to be destructed, as well as causing issues with costume and make up. The mud may get slippery meaning this could be a heath and safety issue also. We are going to wait for the weather to get to a more manageable point and then have a meeting with our actors in order to determine a new filming day.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Research And Planning - Make Up/Hair

For the clown we required spray in, wash out hair dye and for our actors we needed fake blood. We also required facepaint for all actors. I got together all the things I already own, as this will save money (due to us having a low budget.) I got together some face paint (although not enough) hair dyes and fake blood. Now we have this organized all we need to purchase is a set of facepaints and then we will be ready to film.


Thursday 19 December 2013

Research And Planning- Costume Research: Male

For the male lead we are going to use a simplistic outfit, as, similar to the female, he will have known that he was going out into an old farm land and so to keep the trailer realistic the actor will dress accordingly to this. We will have him dress in dark jeans and a light jacket that as the trailer progresses, we can 'ruin' more in terms of mud and fake blood as well as rip, to show what he is going through. The costume will be warm so that it is appropriate for the scene we are trying to set and also for the cold filming weathers. We will use clothes we already own or look in charity shops if we cannot find something suitable to find these clothes.

Research And Planning - Costume Research: Female

As the girl would have known the couple were going to an old farm, she would be dressed very 'casually' and not too dressy. We will achieve this look by using our old clothes and dressing our actor so they look very normal. By making the character look realistic the viewer will be able to relate, and this will therefore be more creepy. As we will be filming when it is cold, we will take this into consideration and have our actor wear jumpers or a jacket that can be ripped/ruined as the trailer goes on.

Research And Planning - Make Up Research: Male

Our 'main' protagonist is a male who takes the lead and does most of the voice over work and is the one making the documentary. To begin with he will appear to be very plain facially, however, as the trailer progresess we will cover his face in fake blood, water (as sweat) and mud to show his 'struggle.'

Research And Planning - Make Up Research: Female

As the female will be in a situation where she is with her boyfriend, she will be quite 'comfortable.' Because of this she would not wear too much make up, and as they are going making a documentary the character would have thought about this, and so, the make up the actor will wear to show this will be very natural. We will achieve this look by using powders and light bronzers, as well as brown mascaras. However, as the trailer progresses we will make her look more 'bedraggled' by adding mud and fake blood to her face, as well as smearing the little make up she is wearing slightly.

Research And Planning - Protagonists

As most of our research so far has been on the clown, I have decided to look at the other characters and how they will be presented. I am going to research the lead female and lead male in regards to costume and make up.

Research And Planning - Shot List For Poster

The third shot shows what shot I wish to use for my poster, and also under this I have included another shot I will try out. By having these two different shots I will have a variety of different pictures to choose from, ensuring my image is fit for purpose.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Research And Planning - Shot List For Magazine

The fist two shots listed show firstly the main shot I am going to use and secondly, one I am going to 'try out.' I will then have two different shots to chose from ensuring my magazine picture is of the best standard.

Research And Planning - Lovely Molly Poster

For my poster I want to use a close up shot of the clown looking 'creepy' as I believe this is what looks most effective. I found this poster of Lovely Molly showing her looking how I want to present my clown. Instead of looking at the camera as I was going to she is looking away slightly, however I do not think this is as effective and is therefore something I will avoid. The title of the film is not too large, which is good as it does not 'take up' the poster- this is something that I will try to do as I think it looks neat whilst still being engaging. 

Research And Planning - Trailer Shot List

Research And Planning - Shooting Schedule For Magazine

I will be taking both my poster and magazine pictures on the same date, on the same location. I will however ensure the images are took in different places on the farm and in different ways- this way the location is presented but the images will still appear to be different.

Research And Planning - Shooting Schedule For Poster

Research And Planning - Production Documents Checklist

To see where I am at in regards to the production documents I have made a checklist. I went down my blog and ticked off all the documents I have done, and so I can now clearly see what still needs to be completed and so I can ensure that nothing is missed.

Research And Planning - Make Up: Fake Blood

All of our characters require fake blood to be on them, both on their faces and their costumes. Because of this it is very important that we get this to look believable, and so, I have researched ways to create this.
I came across a wikihow page ( that shows thirteen ways of creating fake blood. Beth and I will look at these different ways, and will determine which looks more effective, stays on longest and is most fit for purpose. By doing so we can ensure we do not have any issues with the blood when filming day arrives.

Research And Planning - Make Up Research: Fake Mud

All of characters need mud on their faces and costumes, but as we are smearing it on their faces it is important we use something which is not as unpleasant for the actors. I have been researching ways to create fake mud. Beth put forward the idea that we could use chocolate cake crumbs, as they have a similar look to dried mud. We could add water to make this look more believable. However, this would not stay on clothes and so I have looked online for a method to create mud which stays on clothes. I found a method on ehow ( which is simple to make and cheap to make also, therefore meaning we are not going to 'break into' our budget for this.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Research And Planning - Beginning of Magazine

Last lesson our internet was down, and so, I began to look at ways to 'set out' my magazine and what colours compliment one another well. I am considering using the dark blue on black as I believe this looks effective; I also like the layout of having the film name slightly down the page, however when I produce my real magazine I will make the text much bigger and clearer and evidently have an image and lots of content. 

Research And Planning - Clown Make Up Research

Today we have been looking at ways to produce the clown make up- we have been looking at tutorial make up videos on youtube and getting an idea of how to do our clowns make up. Here they use a lot of reds and blacks and so this is something I will ensure we do for our clown.

Research And Planning - Halloween Movie Poster

The poster for halloween is quite bright, which I have not seen done often, however, this is very different and engaging. The centre of the poster shows the killer, and so you see who is 'feared' in a creepy way. The name of the film is obvious as it is the same colour as the background- this is important as it is something that is needed to show the film to the audience. 

Research And Planning - Scream Movie Poster

On the poster for Scream you can see the protagonist in low-key lighting clearly experiencing terror. As she is looking directly into the camera and takes up most of the space; this is engaging as it makes you want to 'know' her story. I think this image is effective, and so, will try to produce something similar for my poster. 

Research And Planning - Risk Assessment For Poster

Research And Planning - Location Recce For Magazine

As the location for my trailer is the same as the location for my poster and magazine, I am using the same location recce. For my magazine I will still use natural lighting and ensure that hazards are kept away by ensuing there is floor space to take the pictures. 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Research And Planning - Location Recce For Poster

For my poster I will be taking the pictures in the barn and shut the door, so that the photos will be darkened. The clown will hold a torch under their face so that it stands out. 

Saturday 7 December 2013

Research And Planning - Actor To Play Lead Female

We have chosen our actor to play the lead female. Elisha is very close with our lead male actor, Daniel, and so, playing a couple will not be an issue for them. This means we can have them present a 'believable' relationship- thus meaning the trailer will be more engaging. Elisha is confident and fits the role very well- she is the right age, style etc that we were looking for, meaning the trailer will be just as we pictured it in regards to characters.

Research And Planning - Actor To Play Lead Male


We have chosen our actor to play our lead male role. Daniel studies Drama at his college and also does many shows in his spare time, this therefore means that he has the ability to give a good, believeable performance which is key when trying to engage an audience.

Friday 6 December 2013

Research And Planning - Role Research: Cinematography

As I am being graded on sound and cinematography, I have looked into what these roles actually mean, this is what I have found when researching cinematography- 

Cinematography includes both the shooting and development process, meaning I will have to focus on cinematography throughout the whole creation of our trailer. Cinematography is about adding a different look to the trailer to give a different meaning- things such as diffusion filters or colour-effect filters can be used to enhance mood or dramatic effects for example. Another more simplistic way of achieving this is by using a lense which can be attached to the camera to give a certain look, feel, or effect by focus, colour, etc.

Research And Planning - Role Research: Sound

As I am being graded on sound and cinematography, I have looked into what these roles actually mean, this is what I have found when researching sound-

I will be in charge of assembling and editing all the sound effects in the trailer as well as ensuring the dialogue, music and effects are all clear and in sync with what is on screen. I will take on a role that (in cinema) is known as The Foley Artist, who is the person who creates many of the ambient or routine sound effects for a film (and in this case, trailer.) I will ensure that all of the sound is appropriate, is varied, can be heard and is of a good standard to ensure that the trailer stays 'sharp' and engaging.

Research And Planning - Clown Hair Research

As we have not yet decided on how we are going to have the clowns hair, I have done some research. I have found that on most of the 'creepy' clown pictures they tend to have one solid colour and matted hair, or sometimes two. The hair is usually quite matted and long. I went to ASDA and looked at the hair products on offer. They sell spray in hair dye for £2, which, when a wider selection of colours are available, I will purchase. 

Thursday 5 December 2013

Research And Planning - Distribution Company Logo

This is our completed distribution company logo. The colours used are appropriate for the genre and the name appears to be 'creepy' therefore meaning this is fit for purpose.

Research And Planning - Production Company Logo

This is our production company logo. We have named our company 'Midnight Productions' as we feel as if this is suitable for our chosen genre of horror. The wolf and moon silhouette is appropriate as it presents something dark; meaning the logo is fit for purpose.

Research And Planning - Clown Face Paint

We have been looking online for face paint to use on the clown, as this will make the character look more scary and believable. This is the face paint (snazaroo) that we will be purchasing and then using.

Research And Planning - Magazine Masthead Designs

Research And Planning - Completed Animatic Storyboard

This is our completed storyboard with sound. Some of the sound is not in sync however when it comes to the real trailer we will ensure this issue is resolved. The sound sets the scene and shows what is going on.

Research And Planning - Actor Release Form

Beth and I have filled out an actor release form for Jake, who is going to be in our trailer. We will print it out and get him to sign it so that we have 'proof' of his agreement to our trailer. 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Research And Planning - Clown Costume Arrival

Today the clown costume we ordered has arrived. Now that we have the costume we can organise shooting dates and see what kinds of make up would be suitable. The costume will be pinned and altered to fit the actor well. 

Research And Planning - Animatic Storyboard Progress

This is our animatic storyboard so far- we have added the animation and are now working on the sound.

Research And Planning - Storyboard Progress

We have been working on our animatic storyboard, this is our progress so far. During todays lesson we are hoping to animate it, and then add sound during tomorrow lunch time (12:15)