Friday 28 February 2014

Trailer Progress - 3

Research And Planning - Further Newspaper Articles

Today we have created two more articles to put in our trailer. These will be inserted with 'camera' sounds to show what is going on and what a 'big' deal the event was. This should help to set the scene while looking effective.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Research And Planning - Completed Magazine

I was told to add more coverlines in order to make my magazine look more effective and so this is something that I have done, whilst moving one over to the other side so that it still looks neat.

Research And Planning - Trailer Newspaper Article

We are going to have a montage of newspaper articles in our trailer in order to set the scene further, this is the first one that we have created.

Research And Planning - Meeting With Tutor

Today we had a meeting with our tutor who gave us some feedback. Our tutor told us that we should add something that sets the scene, and we decided on adding in newspaper cuttings to do so. We were told to add in reviews to make our trailer more realistic and other than that our tutor believed our plans to be appropriate; we will now work on creating the newspaper articles. 

Research And Planning - Social Networking Feedback - Facebook Post

I have posted a link to our trailer in its current state to facebook during this lunch hour so that people can comment some feedback. I am waiting for people to comment and will then take these comments on board and use them to edit our trailer in a way that is appropriate and liked by our target audience.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Research And Planning - Social Networking Feedback- Survey

This morning I created a survey (shown above) and sent it out to my friends who are the target audience for our trailer. The results showed that people felt the logos were both appropriate, and that what is going on is quite clear. Two people said however that this would be easier to follow with sound, and this is Beth and I's next step with editing our trailer.

Trailer Progress - 2

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Research And Planning - Poster Progress

During todays lunch hour I have darkened my image and brought forward the gradient square- this has made my poster more appropriate as the darkened colours are associated with horror. I need to lighten the image however and make the steel tongues a more appropriate colour. 

Monday 10 February 2014

Magazine Progress

Research And Planning - Poster Progress

Today I have added the same static effect on my poster that I used on my magazine, as I think it fits in with the plot of our trailer whilst looking professional. I have made my steel tongues font smaller and changed the brightness of the clown slightly. I need to make the image look more effective and add more of the steel tongues font as well as change the layout slightly to complete it.  

Thursday 6 February 2014

Research And Planning - Magazine Progress

Today I have made a lot of progress on my magazine. I have used the gradient tool on top of a static image for the background and cut out my protagonists and darkened the clown. I have used more appropriate fonts and changed the layout, and now I need to add a barcode and cover lines.

Monday 3 February 2014

Research And Planning - Social Networking Feedback - Twitter

I have just posted the tweet (above) and have recieved feedback on my poster and magazine (shown below.)  From this I will take on what they have said and edit my poster and trailer accordingly. 

Research And Planning - Poster Progress

Today I changed the layout slightly and made the gradient colours red and black so that the bottom of the poster looks more effective.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Trailer Progress- One

Today we began editing our trailer- here is what we have done so far