Wednesday 20 November 2013

Research And Planning - Magazine Analysis One


The genre of this magazine is a film magazine. This is evident as the magazine shows things which are stereotypical for film magazines, such as a (fitting) masthead, coverlines, a bar code and a close up shot of the main protagonist being presented. The genre if the film being 'introduced' appears to be fantasy/action, as the close up shot shows the protagonist looking mysterious, in black and white, which are both associated with something 'different' such as mystery.  


The way the protagonist is staring directly at the camera makes the viewer feel as if they are being 'looked at', and so this could mean that this character is asking for help, and this therefore could mean he gets into some kind of trouble in the film. The cover image does not give much away- and this could represent that something is to be found out, showing perhaps that something unusual will occur.

 The character seems to be 'fearless.' He is good looking and does not seem to be in much (if any) distress which shows he is a strong character, who is the 'main' aspect to the film. The red coverlines hold connotations of blood/death, therefore showing the idea of darkness, which could be happening to the protagonist.

Target Audience-

The film Star Trek series (which is being presented) is mainly targeted at males, and usually appeals to 'younger' men, around the age of 18-26. However, by using an attractive protagonist on the cover this may also appeal to (older) teenage girls around the age of 16. The use of dark colours suggests that the film is mainly targeted at males, however, and I would say that they are the main target audience.  

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