Thursday 30 January 2014

Research And Planning - Social Networking Feedback - Facebook Messanger

Today I messaged a friend and asked them to look at my poster and magazine and tell me what I need to improve on- this is what they responded with-

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Research And Planning - Poster Progress

Today I have edited the brightness of the image slightly by altering the brightness and contrast, this makes the image more 'spooky' looking. I have also began to use the gradient tool to make the steeltongues font stand out more. I am going to research if there is a way to make the image and the bottom of the poster 'merge' more so that it looks more professional, as going straight to black does not look that effective. 

Research And Planning - Magazine Progress

During todays lesson time I worked on my magazine. I have adjusted the colour of the main image by using the hard light and then changing the brightness and contrast. I capitalised the text on the coverlines as this is more professional; I also changed the positioning slightly so that the text is clearer. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Research And Planning - Magazine Poll

How can I improve the background of my magazine? free polls 

Thursday 23 January 2014

Research And Planning - Poster Progress

During todays lunch hour and my free period I have been working on my poster. I have used the steel tongues font to add the text at the bottom as this looks professional as well as repositioning the image and adding social networking logos and a website. I have also downloaded and used the midnight moon font to use instead of the Rosewood font as I believe that this looks much more effective.

(During lunch)

(During free period)

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Research And Planning - Fonts Research

Today I used to look at different fonts for the magazine- my magazine needed a new font and so I am choosing one that is more appropriate.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Research And Planning - Magazine Progress

Today I continued to work on my magazine. I cut out the image I am using, using the magic wand tool and the quick selection tool. I have put the image onto my magazine and added 'film' into the E of Exposure, as this is something most professional film magazines do. I also repositioned my cover lines so that they are now more fitting with the image. I need to add more cover lines and a barcode as well as a tagline to make my magazine seem more professional and complete it. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Research And Planning - Audience Feedback

Today we showed our class our trailer, magazine and poster. For the trailer people mostly said that the wind was distracting and we need to edit the trailer- this is not an issue as we will be taking most audio off and adding loud bangs/screams etc. Another point made was that our camera was too 'unstable' however, this is because they did not get the nattative due to the clips not yet being edited- this was intentional to show the trailer is from the protagonists point of view. As for my poster, I was told I need to add more text- this is as it is not yet finished. My magazine got mostly positive feedback, however it was suggested that I use different colours which is something I will now look into. I am considering using a darker blue (on both the poster and magazine) as this was suggested and I believe it is a good idea.

Research And Planning - Poster And Magazine Drafts To Show Peers

This is my poster and magazine so far. I am showing these to my peers and getting audience feedback during todays lesson. I still need to cut around the actors for my magazine photo and add more content. 

Research And Planning - Clips Montage

Below is a montage of clips we have taken, this includes outtakes. These clips will now be edited and some scenes will be cut in order to make our trailer. Later on today we will be getting audience feedback on this, and so we will take this into consideration before we start the editing process.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Research And Planning - Filming Completion

Today we completed filming our trailer. We have took some shots that we were unable to on the 12th (such as in the car, as this had to look earlier on than the rest of the filming.) We are now in the post-production stage and will begin to edit our trailer together and add sound, special effects etc.

Research And Planning - Magazine Draft

Monday 13 January 2014

Research And Planning - Magazine And Poster Pictures

Today I have took the pictures for my magazine and poster. I got the actors to try out not only the poses I wanted to use (the clown in the background and an extreme closeup of the clown in the dark) but also do some others so that there are a variety to choose from.
Below is what I have taken that I will now choose from dependent on what looks most effective, what is more suitable etc.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Research And Planning - Commencement Of Filming

Today we have began filming our trailer. We got most of our trailer done, however, due to lighting (it got too dark) we will have to do some more shots later on in the week. We are planning to complete our trailer filming on Wednesday 15th January.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Research And Planning - Meeting Regarding Filming

Today Beth and I had a meeting regarding filming. We have decided to film our trailer this weekend (Sunday,12th January 2014.) We will be meeting at the farm where we are filming at 16:00, and hope to wrap by 18:20. By begining at this time there will be a natural progression of the lighting getting darker, which will fit our trailer, as it becomes 'darker' and more scary. We have checked the weather forecast and throughout the day there is supposed to be light cloud and no rain- this hopefully means the ground will be firm and the equipment will not get damaged. The temperature however is quite low, and so we will ensure that we get our actors to wear several warm layers. Anything we may need to shoot again will be shot during the following week (13th-15th.) We will then do some rough editing and the trailer first draft will be ready to present to our peers in order to get feedback. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Research And Planning - Actor Issue

Beth and I previously filled out an actor release form for our friend Jake, however, having had a meeting with him we found out that over christmas break he will be spending his time with his family. Becuase of this we wish to find someone more reliable to play the lead male. To find our actors we will look at friends and people who we know of who are good actors, as to create a good trailer.