Thursday 16 January 2014

Research And Planning - Audience Feedback

Today we showed our class our trailer, magazine and poster. For the trailer people mostly said that the wind was distracting and we need to edit the trailer- this is not an issue as we will be taking most audio off and adding loud bangs/screams etc. Another point made was that our camera was too 'unstable' however, this is because they did not get the nattative due to the clips not yet being edited- this was intentional to show the trailer is from the protagonists point of view. As for my poster, I was told I need to add more text- this is as it is not yet finished. My magazine got mostly positive feedback, however it was suggested that I use different colours which is something I will now look into. I am considering using a darker blue (on both the poster and magazine) as this was suggested and I believe it is a good idea.

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