Tuesday 7 January 2014

Research And Planning - Meeting Regarding Filming

Today Beth and I had a meeting regarding filming. We have decided to film our trailer this weekend (Sunday,12th January 2014.) We will be meeting at the farm where we are filming at 16:00, and hope to wrap by 18:20. By begining at this time there will be a natural progression of the lighting getting darker, which will fit our trailer, as it becomes 'darker' and more scary. We have checked the weather forecast and throughout the day there is supposed to be light cloud and no rain- this hopefully means the ground will be firm and the equipment will not get damaged. The temperature however is quite low, and so we will ensure that we get our actors to wear several warm layers. Anything we may need to shoot again will be shot during the following week (13th-15th.) We will then do some rough editing and the trailer first draft will be ready to present to our peers in order to get feedback. 

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