Sunday 30 March 2014

Evaluation: Question Four- How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And Evaluation Stages?

Prezi showing main technologies used-

List Of Technologies Used-

 I used twitter a lot when it came to getting social networking feedback. As I have around 400 followers posting links to my work meant that I was getting a wide sample of results.
 Solvr was used in order to come up with appropriate names for our distibution and company logos as well as my magazine and poster.
Slideshare was a technology I used to the start of the year. It allowed me to put my powerpoints onto blogger which contained social networking feedback results. 

 Photoshop was used to create and edit my poster and magazine in a professional looking way.
  Prezi was a technology that I used mostly for target audience research as it allows you to make a slideshow that is easy to view and then embedd onto blogger.

My partner and I used iMovie to edit our trailer together and add in the handheld camera effect.

Garageband was used to create the sound for our trailer. Garageband allows you to add your own sounds as well as using some of theirs in order to produce a professional final product. 

 I used Firefox internet to use several technologies such as prezi and solvr.
 I used Blogger to document my research and planning as well as my construction and evaluation stages. This allowed me to keep track of all my work as it was all in one place.


 DSLR/SLR cameras were used to take still images and record our trailer throughout creating our main product and my two ancillary tasks.

Lastly, I used facebook to collect target audience feedback. Facebook allows you to post links and allows people to comment on what you have put and so this was very useful when collecting feedback.


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