Sunday 18 August 2013

Research And Planning - The Last Song

The recent (2010) romance film The Last Song is good to 'look at' in order to get ideas for my trailer. The film follows a young couple, as they fall in love over summer. This seems to be a reoccuring factor within the romance films I have looked at, and so, this is an idea I could consider using. Most of the 'romance' aspects of the film happen on the beach- natural lighting is used as the couple do things such as playing in the water. This makes the film feel more realistic. The music used throughout this film is mostly piano pieces, as this is more slow and fitting to the feel of the film. The girls dad however, is revealed to be ill- this causes the couple to be 'distracted' and shows a bitter destruption to their love. By adding something like this to my trailer, it would be more engaging to the audience, and so, a 'sad' secondry story could be something I could add also.

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