Monday 19 August 2013

Research And Planning - The Sixth Sense

I decided to watch 'classic' horror film The Sixth Sense. Although the film was released in 1999 it is still well looked up to and enjoyed today, and so I thought this would be a good film to look at for a source of inspiration. The film its self has few 'scary' parts, and I think that this is what makes it so uniquely intriguing. The film follows the life of a psychologist as he seeks to help a troubled young boy. The boy states how he sees dead people, however, instead of having this as a running thing throughout this is revealed far into the film, and this build of suspense is very appealing. As the 'ghosts' show, it is very unexpected- they come as he is talking or playing for example, and he usually says some form of sentence as an introduction to them being there. This, I believe, created a much more eery feel to the film, and so this is something I could input into my trailer. By adding a small piece of dialogue to introduce the characters there is more suspense, and I believe this is needed within the trailer to make the film look more engaging.

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