Monday 19 August 2013

Research And Planning - The Notebook

As part of my research, I decided to watch the romantic film- The Notebook. The story is told by an elderly man, who is looking back on the past through a 'notebook', which he is reading to an elderly woman. The story follows a young couple as they share a summer 'love affair.'  The girl, Allie, has disapproving parents, who stop the couple from being together.  This shows that in order to make a 'good' romance film, there should be something stopping the love from continuing, which therefore makes the audience long for it more. High key lighting is used throughout- the couple visit 'nice' public places such as parks and beaches- these will be easy to obtain as they can be filmed on location. At the end of the film, it comes clear that the story the elderly man is reading is the story of him and his wife (who he is reading to), they then go on to die in each others arms. By adding such a harrowing ending, the film was more hardhitting and left more of an impact, and so this is something I could consider bringing into my trailer somehow.

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