Thursday 5 September 2013

Research And Planning: The Chase - Our First Trailer

We were told to create a trailer based of the theme "the chase." My group interpreted this in the literal sense, and decided the plot would be on a man who makes a living off stealing peoples money when they believe they are buying drugs off him, but eventually, people start to seek revenge.
The trailer begins with 'intense' music, which makes the audience know straight off that the film is based around something very fast, and that it is an action film. As the 'chase' continues the music gets more and more intense, however, we edited the clip to be slow motion, which makes the 'fall' of the male seem more dramatic. Quotations and an 'award' come up slowly, which makes the trailer seem more professional. At the end of the trailer the colour changes to black and white, and the slow motion begins again- the music changes to a slow, sad piano song, which makes the audience feel sorry for the person and more engaged, meaning they are more likely to watch it.

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