Wednesday 25 September 2013

Research And Planning - Good vs Bad Trailers - Bad Examples


How Do You Know-

The trailer to How Do You Know is very hard to sit through. It has very long scenes and a lot of dialogue. However, for a good trailer, the montage should be straight to the point and engaging. It is hard to follow what exactly is going on here, and so, this has made me believe that the use of a voice over or having characters 'set the scene' is the best way. The budget for this film gave them the potential to create something much better, however, it seemed they tried too hard to seem realistic that it all became very simplistic for the audience and boring, which is something that I will avoid when it comes to making my trailer.

Forces Of Nature -

The start of this trailer has the potential to be good, in that it has a voice over to set the scene and is quite fast paced. However, not far in the trailer begins to digress from any form of romance, and begins to 'jump' from one point to another. Similarly to how do you know, a lot of speech is used, however, it seems irrellevent and becomes quite boring to watch. As I have seen this presented in two 'bad' trailers I will ensure that I do not have too much speech in my trailer, and that I use a better, more engaging narrative such as a voice over.

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