Tuesday 24 September 2013

Research And Planning - IMDB Research

As part of my research I looked on IMDB at the most popular romance films. Firstly I searched for the most popular romance films. From this, I found that the romance films which are most liked are those with a 'mystery' twist to them, such as in The Mortal Instruments, a woman goes missing, and in Kill Your Darlings, there is a murder. By adding this 'edge' to the genre this makes for a more interesting watch,and this is therefore something I will try to add to our trailer/film. However, I need to take into consideration how these are for feature films, and creating something like this would be difficult to do as we evidently do not have the sufficient resources.

After this, I looked at the most popular summer romance films. I did this as this is the form my trailer may have, and so I believe it is important to know what is liked in this sense. I have noticed how in the summer romance films, it always seems that the main characters are quite young- as this is obviously appealing to the audience, if I use the summer romance idea, I will ensure that my main characters are young also, so that this is not 'changed' in any way as it obviously works. The romances tend to happen away from home- eg, on holiday; this is another aspect I could add to my trailer, by adding a 'different' kind of location, this will ensure that the trailer is engaging as it will feel, to the audience, like something they have never seen before, which is key when producing a good trailer/film. 

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