Thursday 19 September 2013

Research And Planning - Proposals And Treatment - Proposal One

Proposal One-

There is a guy named Zac, 18, who is popular at school, well liked, captain of the football team and seems untouchable. Zac has a very close relationship with his younger sister, Alana, 14. Zac falls in love with a girl at school, Ramona, also 18- and Alana finds herself being put second best. Alana constantly asks her brother to go out with her and do things the two usually do, however, he ignores her completely. This begins to create tension between the siblings, as their once strong relationship begins to break down. As Alana's confidence and popularity spirals she finds herself secluded and commits suicide. The end of the film shows the couple trying to get over Alana's death, and in the end, having a child that they name after her.

Cinematography & Sound - 

  • High key lighting following the couple
  • Low key lighting following Alana's death
  • A voice over of Alana
  • Slow piano music on sad, dramatic parts
  • High angles on Alana to show her sadness and vulnerability 

In the trailer we will not show much of the suicide, as this may 'disturb' the 12A audience that the trailer is aimed at- however it will still appeal to the 15 rated audience as their will be disturbing cries and a close up of the note.

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