Wednesday 25 September 2013

Research And Planning - Good vs Bad Trailers - Good Examples


Last Night- 

The trailer for independent film Last Night shows the couple acting 'happily' together to begin with, and then, as the trailer goes on, you see the couple as tension begins to arise. By doing so, it is evident that the film will be following the two going through changes and something will happen to their relationship, and this for the audience is very engaging. The narrative is set by the use of a montage, which has small 'clips' of the film, these show simply what is going on without giving too much away. It will be easy for me to 'recreate' some of these techniques in my trailer, as the budget for both this film and my trailer is low. However, with a bigger budget, this trailer could potentially be even better, as more effects could be added as well as better locations and props etc which all make for a more appealing film.

The Time Traveler's Wife-


The trailer for The Time Traveler's Wife is evidently made on a high budget, with an all star cast and good editing. The trailer begins with an engaging voice over, which sets the scene and informs the audience on what they 'need' to know. This is a way to make it easy to follow what is going on, and so, this is something I will do. A montage of engaging parts of the film is used to create this trailer- with great climax to the end. This makes the audience want to know what happens next, and makes them want to watch the film. This is an idea I could use for my trailer; ensure that the montage is 'shocking' and well built up, so that the audience are left wanting more. This could however be hard to do on a non-existent budget (the complete opposite to that of The Time Traveler's Wife) although, it will be ensured that the script is well written and the setting and acting is all up to a high standard so that the trailer is still just as engaging despite this. 

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