Thursday 12 September 2013

Research And Planning - My Questionnare Results

The gender of those I asked was mostly female, and so I believe this is who my trailer should be aimed at, as this means it will appeal to them more (as the results are from a female point of view.) Most believed that a stable camera would work better- and I agree, as this would look less 'messy' which fits with the romance genre. The colours that people associate with romance most are red, pink and white- and so I will use these on the film poster. There was an equal result for the best location- four people chose the beach and four chose the city. This has gave me the idea to have the main setting as the city, however the couple could have a romantic outing to the beach.  I think will be using a female main character as this is what my results show is most liked. Lastly I asked if people preferred slow or fast editing- to which, most said slow. From this I will ensure I keep the trailer slow paced, and so this fits with the romance genre.

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