Thursday 5 September 2013

Research And Planning - Trailer Analysis


From this trailer I have found that for comedy films, the music is upbeat, and high-key lighting is used. A voice over is used to 'set the scene' and add a comedic value to the trailer, and so if I was to do this genre this is something I would have to consiser using. There are a lot of shot reverse shots used to show 'funny' conversations happeining, as this is 'snappy' and gets to the point, which allows the audience to find humour in the trailer and this will therefore make the film seem more engaging.



The Last Song trailer uses high key lighting, similarly to comedy, however, the music is less upbeat and is more slow and meaningful. The voice over used is much more 'calm' and sets the scene for something positive. An introduction to the characters and their lives is also used- this makes the viewer feel a connection with them, and this therefore ensures that they are left wanting to see more.


For horror trailers, it seems that instead of a voice over being used, the characters set the scene. This makes the film seem more realistic as it is from a first person basis. The music is eary which makes the trailer seem more tense. Straight cuts are used in order to create a more fast pased feel to the trailer; this a long with the low-key lighting makes watching the trailer very engaging and 'shocking.'


For action trailers the lighting is high-key and everything seems to be bright and 'the best'. Up to date vechiles and technologies are shown which gives the film extra appeal. The music used is quite electronic, however most of the sound is diegetic; showing the 'fastness' of the car by presenting the noises it makes whilst speeding, for example. This makes the film seem more interesting and is very intense, however I do believe a trailer of this genre would be difficult to produce.

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